Terrific 25th Masonic District News September 2016

Grand Lodge of Ohio 25th District

September 10 Blue Lodge Outdoor Raising at Cortland Lodge at 9:00 AM. Breakfast at 8:00AM

September 30 Blue Lodge Election of Officers and Awards night at Old Erie Lodge at 7:30 PM

October 14-15 Grand Lodge Communication at Kalahari in Sandusky, Ohio

November 19 Past Masters Convocation at Willoughby Lodge at 9:00 AM, Breakfast at 8:00 AM, at the Painesville Masonic Complex, all lodge officers rosters must be turned in or e-mailed to RWB Moore by this date

January 30 2017 Blue Lodge Association Officers Installation at Newton Falls Lodge at 7:30 PM

March 25 Grand Master’s One Day class. Time and place to be announced by district deputies

Note – Any Lodge wishing to have the typewritten ritual brought to your lodge for a meeting contact your deputy and make arrangements with him.