November 2018
District calendar:
- October 29 Blue Lodge Association Election of Officers at Evergreen Lodge at 7:30PM
- November 12 Niles McKinley Lodge Installation at 7:00PM, Dinner at 6:00PM
- November 13 Old Erie Lodge Installation at 7:00PM, Dinner at 6:00PM
- November 15 Garrettsville Lodge Installation at 7:00PM, Dinner at 6:00PM
- November 17 Past Masters Convocation at Old Erie Lodge at 9:00AM Breakfast at 8:00AM This will be the last day to turn your lodge rosters and Master’s Bios in. Your lodge rosters can be sent to RWB Moore at or RWB Adrian McAleer at as soon as your election is complete. Break-out sessions for the Secretaries will be led by RWB Jim Fiest , and RWB Rick Memmer. The LEO work shop will be led by the DEO’s. Deacon support, and Type Written Ritual will be available from RWB Jeff Lock.
- November 17 Rockton Lodge Installation at 7:00PM, Dinner at 6:00PM
- November 19 Orion Lodge Installation at 7:00PM, Lunch After
- November 20 Willoughby Lodge Installation at 7:00PM, Dinner at 6:00PM
- November 21 Gustavus Lodge Installation at 7:00PM, Dinner at 6:00PM
- November 21 Lake Shore Lodge Installation at 7:00 PM, Dinner at 6:00PM
- November 23 Western Reserve Lodge Installation at 7:00PM, Dinner at 6:00PM
- November 24 Temple Lodge Installation at 7:00PM, Dinner at 6:00PM
- November 24 Charity Lodge Installation at 7:00PM, Dinner at 6:00PM
- November 27 Triandria Installation at 7:00PM, Dinner at 6:00PM
- November 27 Copper Penny Lodge Installation at 7:00PM, Lunch After
- November 28 Cortland Lodge Installation at 7:00PM, Dinner at 6:00PM.
- January 29 Blue Lodge Association Installation of Officers at Old Erie Lodge at 7:30PM
The Following will receive awards at the October 29th District Blue Lodge Association meeting at Evergreen Lodge in Conneaut.
- Outstanding Entered Apprentice Lecture – WB Mitch W. Hudson from Relief Lodge # 284
- Outstanding Fellow Craft Lecture – WB Clarence McNeely from Jerusalem Lodge #19
- Outstanding Master Mason Lecture – WB Roger Redmond from Evergreen Lodge # 222
- Traveling Man Award – WB Walter C. Robinson from Rockton Lodge #316
- Traveling Man Award – Brother Joseph Shutack from Rockton Lodge #316
- Lodge Officers Traveling Award – Rockton Lodge #316
- Outgoing District Deputy Grand Master RWB James Kowacich, Jr
- Outgoing Blue Lodge Association President WB Christopher N. Matty
Grand Lodge officers for 2018-2019
- Grand Master – MWB Jess N. Raines
- Deputy Grand Master – RWB Keith W. Newton
- Senior Grand Warden – RWB Richard A. Dickerscheid
- Junior Grand Warden – RWB Timothy S. Wheeland
- Grand Treasurer – MWB Steven E. Cokonougher
- Grand Secretary – MWB C. Michael Watson
- Grand Chaplain – RWB David L. Hank
- Grand Orator – RWB Steven M. Grindle
- Grand Marshall – RWB Paul A. Weglage
- Senior Grand Deacon – RWB William M. Carter III
- Junior Grand Deacon – RWB Shawn A. Johnson
- Grand Tyler – RWB Shaun R. Marolt
New District Deputy Grand Master for the 25th RWB Rick Memmer from Charity Lodge. His Installation to be held at Charity Lodge on October 31st, 2018 at 7:00 PM.
RWB Robert Homoly was appointed as the 25th District Advisor from Grand Lodge.